Hotel Lasermo Leh

Rs 5000
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It is a complete holiday hotel with all modern facilities with unforgettable hospitality you desire for perfect and memorable holiday. The hotel is centrally located, walking distance from main market, tourist centre, Airlines office, Taxi Stand, General Post Office. It offers clean environment & pleasant quiet garden for recreation & ample opportunities for leisurely or energetic walk in the charming surrounding countryside. We offer comfortable bedrooms with private bathrooms running hot & cold showers.




    Rs. 5000
    It is a complete holiday hotel with all modern facilities with unforgettable hospitality you desire for perfect and memorable holiday. The hotel is centrally located, walking distance from main market, tourist centre, Airlines office, Taxi Stand, General Post Office. It offers clean environment & pleasant quiet garden for recreation & ample opportunities for leisurely or energetic walk in the charming surrounding countryside. We offer comfortable bedrooms with private bathrooms running hot & cold showers.



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